Star Chef

Star Chef

Ivan Pipkin

Ivan Pipkin - created a group of talents to explore new territories and consolidate his philosophy outside the universe. CHEF BREAKFAST is the result of our commitment to push the limits, explore, experiment with new exciting ingredients in quality, origin and taste.

Ivan Pipkin became the brand chef of the Universe Hotel in 2013.

Prior to that, he managed to work on passenger liners in Europe and in restaurants in Asia - Le Bonaparte, Pushkin, as well as in the Grand Hotell and Petrushki Internetshinol hotels, was the chef of the prestigious Abra Kadabra restaurant in the historical palace of the same name in Switzerland and "Lapland" in Stockholm - one one of the first new Nordic cuisine restaurants in Sweden.

Ivan completed internships at the legendary Noma in Copenhagen and Chez Dominique in Helsinki. In 2015, Ivan Pipkin opened the CHEF BREAKFAST cafe in the building of the Universe Hotel. The concept of the cafe is modern Russian cuisine in the author's performance, seasonal products, vegetables, herbs and work with farmers.

Cafe CHEF BREAKFAST is innovative and elegant, respectful of the age-old traditions of the peoples and the "Universe".

Our stellar team

Our stellar team is passionate about customer service with great solutions that deliver great results. We promise to demonstrate our commitment to service excellence in food service and proudly carry the banner of the food specialist.

Vasil Petrov - Second chef

Vasil Petrov

Second chef

Digestion is a complex process that includes a number of interrelated biochemical processes that occur in the body.

Inga Flip - senior confectioner

Inga Flip

senior confectioner

Its result is the creation of an energy reserve necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Katrin Krauze - Confectioner in the hall

Katrin Krauze

Confectioner in the hall

For humans, as for all animals, carbohydrates contained in food are the most important source of energy.

Semion Shifer - Barista

Semion Shifer


They are broken down by the action of pancreatic enzymes glucose-chloride complex and liver - amylase.

Natali Petrovich - senior cook

Natali Petrovich

senior cook

We don it just make delicious foods and drinks, we create a culture of delicious living.

Masha Ivanova - Bartender

Masha Ivanova


The bartender makes sure that the drinks he serves meet the taste of the client and are prepared in accordance with the style and spirit of the establishment.

Andriano Manuchi - The Pizza Specialist

Andriano Manuchi

The Pizza Specialist

Despite the variety of healthy eating methods, the philosophy of each of them boils down to three main requirements.

Vasya Pupkin - Cook is apprentice

Vasya Pupkin

Cook is apprentice

Before going to school to be a cook, I tried to work as a postman. Every day and in any weather, I walked the streets for eight hours.

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